
Owner:Sumner Evans

Communication is super important to the functioning of the club. There are three main aspects of communication which this document will address: officer communication, Mines ACM internal communication, and external communication.

Officer Communication

Owner:Sumner Evans

Normally, the officer team sees each other around campus a lot. Thus, in-person communication is preferable when possible since in-person interaction has a lot more communication bandwidth than text/email/literally anything else. When appropriate, things discussed in person should be shared with the entire officer team, and CPW and/or Tracy if applicable. Additionally, if appropriate, important results of these discussions should be documented in this repository.

When communication needs to happen not in person, use Matrix or email. Matrix will be the default for instantaneous communication with other officers. Email will be the default for any communication that you want remembered for any significant length of time.

Officer meetings will be held regularly, every other week. Be prepared to share progress reports with the rest of the officers, as well as bring up any questions that you may have.

You do not have to wait officer meeting to bring something up.

Mines ACM Internal Communication

Owner:Sumner Evans

Another critical aspect of communication is communicating with the general ACM members. The primary form of communication is the mailing list.

It is critical that an email is sent every Monday, before Tuesday’s meeting with information about the upcoming meeting and any other pertinent announcements.

See the mailing list archives for past emails.

In addition, if there is a presenter and they provide additional resources or other follow up from their talk, someone should email those resources to the mailing list whenever the resources are available, preferably on Wednesday.

External Communication

Owner:Sumner Evans
  • CS Dept
  • Professors
  • Mozilla
  • C-MAPP
  • BSO
  • SAO


If you have any questions or want to suggest a change to this document, please submit an issue or PR to the GitHub repo.