Owner: | Sumner Evans |
We need to advertise our club. There are three main sources of new members: Celebration of Mines, CS classes, and referrals.
CS Classes¶
Owner: | Sumner Evans |
The CS Department as a whole is very supportive of ACM. We should attempt to get one of the officers to present about ACM at every section of 101, 250, 261, 262, 274, 303, and 306. Advertising at the upper level classes is not nearly as useful since by then, most people know about ACM anyway.
At these presentations, explain what ACM is, what we do, how it’s awesome, and how to get involved. Ideally, we do this on week 1 so we can advertise our first big tech talk, possibly some social event, and onboarding session.
Owner: | Sumner Evans |
This is one of our best sources of new members. People who are enthusiastic about ACM will tell their friends to come.
We should encourage people to bring friends.
If you have any questions or want to suggest a change to this document, please submit an issue or PR to the GitHub repo.